There was once a time where many audiences thought that there would be a chance for Fox and Marvel Studios to somehow merge their efforts. However, as time has gone one, and as Fox has proven to be a big success in their own right with their Marvel properties, that thought has slowly been pushed to the wayside. Between the overall success of the X-Men, to the mammoth success of the R-rated Deadpool and Logan, they’ve shown that these films do not need to be one particular thing to be successful.
And Fox doesn’t seem to be slowing down. We know for a fact that they have The New Mutants, Deadpool 2, X-Men: Dark Phoenix all slated for releases. Well, if you needed another reason to put aside your dreams of an X-Men/Avengers crossover on the big screen, we have one for you. Actually, have six. According to Exhibitor Relations, Fox has locked down six new Marvel film release dates from 2019 to 2021 — 6/7/19, 11/22/19, 3/13/20, 6/26/20,10/2/20 and 3/5/21.
Now let’s go ahead and wander down speculationville as to what movies these dates can be for. But before we do, where is the current lineup of upcoming films along with the unknown dates (and some speculation as to what they can be):
New Mutants – April 13, 2018
Deadpool 2 – June 1, 2018
X-Men: Dark Phoenix – November 2, 2018
Unknown – June 7, 2019 (Gambit?)
Unknown – November 22, 2019 (X-Force?)
Unknown – March 13, 2020 (New Mutants 2?)
Unknown – June 26, 2020 (Deadpool 3?)
Unknown – October 2, 2020 (X-Men?)
Unknown – March 5, 2021 (?)
Let’s start with our 2019 speculations. The Gambit film has always been a big question mark, but given the staggering of the franchises, if Fox wanted to make it work, shooting for a 2018 shoot and 2019 release seems like a good bet. X-Force, we know, will follow Deadpool 2, so putting it at the other 2019 release date seems like a good bet.
In the past, filmmaker Josh Boone, who is helming The New Mutants, discussed pitching a trilogy of films, so we figured a release date in early 2020 seemed plausible if they had parts of the script already mapped out and ready to go. Deadpool 3 two years after Deadpool 2 seems like a solid guess given the studio’s desire to keep the franchises going at about one every two years. That trend continues with X-Men, hence the late 2020 release.
As far as that 2021 date…your guess is as good as ours. This current slate of guesses is largely based on properties we are familiar with, and as such, it’s hard to know if they’re developing other properties as well. Perhaps if Gambit takes off (and that’s a big if), they’re keeping that open for a potential sequel — or maybe they’re holding on to that date for a rainy day. Also, we can’t forget the fact that I’ve ignored Fantastic Four. However, Fox doesn’t need to start production on that one until 2022 in order to keep the rights, and even though there has been recent news to make a more kid-friendly interpretation of the comic, they’d be wise to stay away for a bit.
But those are our guesses. What are yours? Let us know in the comments down below!
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SOURCES: Exhibitor Relations