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Game of Thrones – New Featurette Goes In Depth On The Making Of The Season 8 Premiere

Along with last night’s return to Westeros comes a new Game of Thrones featurette, titled “Game Revealed,” which appears to the first in a series of videos, and focuses on Winterfell. The video, which you can watch above is quite lengthy, running just short of 18 minutes, but don’t let the length scare you offbut if you are a fan of the show I recommend watching it, time will fly by, especially if you’re a behind-the-scenes type person. There is also an appearance from a certain creator of Star Wars who visited the set.

A great video for fans, the video goes into the making of the first episode of Season 8 with interviews from most everyone involved including the actors, writers, directors. The gang is all here, including one member of another gang, Rob McElhenney from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, who played a guy who took an arrow to the eye.

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The show had a trumphant return Sunday night, with what is likely the softest episode fans will receive this season, sort of the calm before the coming storm, the episode set the board for the chaos. The White Walkers move closer and closer, and very soon they will be at Winterfell.

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Source: GameofThrones

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