The end seems to be drawing ever nearer for Game of Thrones. I say that to emphasize the “seems†aspect, for as time goes on, it almost feels like the show is getting farther and farther away from ending. Season 7 was already pushed back a bit, and HBO even said there’s a possibility that Season 8 will get pushed back to 2019 if it would result in a better product. As such, we have a potential for another solid two years of Game of Thrones.
And that’s not even the most of it. The runtimes for all the Season 7 episodes have come in, and while we have a lot less episodes this year than in previous ones, each episode is running longer — with the finale set to hit HBO at an astounding 82 minutes long. Believe it or not, that’s technically the length of a feature! But if you thought that would be an outlier, it sounds like we may be in for a bit of a surprise.
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While at the Con of Thrones, sound designer of the show Paula Fairfield, gave viewers a reason to be excited for Season 8, whenever it comes out. According to a tweet from David Chen, the producers of the show are considering making each episode feature length.
Fairfield just said the Season 7 finale of GAME OF THRONES will be 82 mins. Final season they’reconsidering making each ep feature length!
— David Chen (@davechensky) July 1, 2017
For reference, a feature is technically something that runs over 80 minutes long. So while Season 8 is currently set to only run for 6 episodes, it may still come close to rivaling previous ten episode seasons in runtime. Should each episode run at least 80 minutes long, we’re looking at at least eight more hours of content. With previous seasons, we were usually looking at around nine and a half hours. Not bad considering it’s set to be four episodes shorter.
Plus, that’s not even accounting for the possibility of the final episode running longer than ever before in an effort to wrap up all the loose ends (hell, it’s not taking into account episodes that run longer than 80 minutes). Now, this part is speculation, but it wouldn’t shock us if the series finale clocked in at closer to 100 minutes, but we’ll have to wait and see.
What do you think of Game of Thrones potentially having all feature length episodes next season? Is this the way to go, or do you wish they would just crank out eight episodes instead and stop artificially increasing the epicness through bloated runtimes? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Game of Thrones returns to HBO on July 16, 2017.
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SOURCE: David Chen (via Moviefone)