It has been a long, long journey. Seven seasons have all led to that final moment – the end of the Game of Thrones. This show that has been viewed by millions and has finally come to an end with Game of Thrones Season 8. And the internet will never be the same.
This show has been considered one of the greatest in television history. And fans were desperately hoping that the ending would be comparable to the satisfying conclusion of Avengers: Endgame.
However, unfortunately, many feel that that did not happen at all.
What We Were Expecting from Game of Thrones Season 8
The battle of Winterfell was on the horizon. All the pieces were in place at the conclusion of Season 7. Season 8 was supposed to wrap everything up in a nice bow and give us the closure that we have been waiting years for. Fans had been waiting patiently for the end of this story and were hoping for something epic and satisfying.
Many felt a bit of trepidation when they heard that Game of Thrones Season 8 would only be a short 6 episodes. Was it a bad omen? A shadow of things to come? Even still though, expectations were high as everyone waited to see who would finally sit on the Iron Throne.
What It Got Right
As Game of Thrones Season 8 got going, things looked quite hopeful. The story was building toward a real climax that had people excited. The first 3 episodes carried on the tradition of past Game of Thrones seasons with great battles and a moving storyline.
As always, the acting performance of the GoT stars like Peter Dinklage, Sophie Turner, Kit Harington, Lena Headey, and Emilia Clarke were amazing. Their leading roles truly carried the story forward. No one would argue that Game of Thrones Season 8 was lacking in the acting department.
What It Got Wrong
However, sadly, acting can only carry a bad script so far. Many complained that the pacing of the story felt rushed – like the writers were trying to cram everything into six short episodes. This made for a lack of character development that was uncharacteristic to say the least, especially when compared to the series-long character arcs that fans have enjoyed thus far.
“The Bells,” or Episode 5 of Game of Thrones Season 8 was when things really went south. Fans and critics alike were not terribly happy with how the story unfolded. And finally, when the conclusion came, many were left scratching their heads and/or downright outraged.
There was also the Cersei and Jaime issue throughout. Then you had some important main characters meeting their ends in very lame ways (like the Night King). And, to cap it all off, many viewers complained that the entire battle of Winterfell was filmed too dark for anyone to see anything of what was going on.
A Few More Problems
Characters in Game of Thrones Season 8 and all the other seasons too are portrayed as raw and real. However, Season 8 took that a bit too far when Khaleesi went crazy and ended up killing innocent people. As a definite fan favorite, this treatment of the character did not go over well.
The anticipation for who would finally be the person to sit on the Iron Throne was a huge driver in this season. However, the revelation that it was Bran, and not Jon Snow, Sansa, or Arya, was a huge letdown. With all the blood, sweat, and tears that Snow, Arya, and Sansa had put into things, it seemed like they deserved a good reward at the end. However, Bran getting the throne left many viewers feeling cheated since Bran didn’t deserve it.
The Aftermath of Game of Thrones Season 8
It is indeed rare when you can find critics and show fans agreeing on something. Usually, when one loves it, the other hates it. However, this was not the case with Season 8. Critics and fans largely mutually agreed that Season 8 was not what they were hoping for.
There is no doubt – satisfactorily ending a long-running, beloved TV show is difficult if not nearly impossible. Dissatisfaction with a show’s ending is common. However, rarely does it reach the level of dissatisfaction that has come in a tidal wave after Game of Thrones Season 8 ended. In fact, a now-infamous petition was created to call for scrapping Season 8 and starting over with different writers.
Amazingly, this petition has already garnered over 1.7 million signatures online, and while it has slowed down, it’s still taking signatures. Whether the petition actually accomplishes anything or not (it won’t), it is clear that overall the fans were not happy with the epic conclusion of Game of Thrones. You don’t have to look very far on social media to see outraged fans venting their fury.
This frustration is understandable when you see just how loved the show was. As we said, there’s probably no such things as a perfect TV show ending. People don’t want it to end in the first place. Game of Thrones Season 8 was a valiant attempt. Some people loved it, many people hated it.
At least we can still go back and rewatch Seasons 1-7 with a fond smile.
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