The student film of a little known director named George Lucas will be premiere on December, 11. The film, Electronic Labyrinth: THX 4EB, will be screened by Gunpowder and Sky’s Dust site, a premiere site for all things science fiction. The company’s co-founder and president, Floris Bauer:
“A year in, we are excited to see that Dust is tapping into the zeitgeist of a growing fanbase that is gripped with how technology is transforming our lives, and who have an insatiable appetite to consume premium content on all devices. Globally showcasing George Lucas’ first-ever film, 50 years after its creation, while simultaneously passing the 1MM fans on Facebook through supporting new diverse voices in sci-fi content, are tremendous milestones for us. We are excited to work with USC to bring attention to some of their up-and-coming filmmakers.”
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The screening comes from a joint partnership of USC and Gunpowder & Sky’s Dust channel to showcase student films. It is always nice to see the early beginnings of famous directors. To learn where their head was at when they were starting out. The early days of the bearded one, or at least, one of the bearded ones (Spielberg being top beard).
Electronic Labyrinth: THX 4EB, deals with a man being chased through a futuristic maze in an attempt to escape his pursuers.
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Source: Deadline