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George R.R. Martin Says One Game Of Thrones Spin-Off Will Shoot Later This Year, Two Others Moving Along

With the final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones in full swing, the creator of the novels the television show is based on gives us some news on the upcoming spin-offs. You may have heard right here at LRM last week that one of the spin-offs was canned.

However, George R.R. Martin brings us more upbeat news straight from his blog, you can check out what the suspender-clad, fisherman hat wearing author had to say below.

“Oh, and speaking of television, don’t believe everything you read. Internet reports are notoriously unreliable. We have had five different GAME OF THRONES successor shows in development (I mislike the term “spinoffs”) at HBO, and three of them are still moving forward nicely. The one I am not supposed to call THE LONG NIGHT will be shooting later this year, and two other shows remain in the script stage, but are edging closer. What are they about? I cannot say. But maybe some of you should pick up a copy of FIRE & BLOOD and come up with your own theories.”

RELATED: Game of Thrones – HBO Releases Photos from Sunday’s 8.4

I am holding back on the excitement for these, successor shows (I like that term, I think I will use it from now on), I will of course check them out when the time comes, but I love Game of Thrones, it’s going to be hard to top it for me, not saying it can’t be done, just saying it isn’t going to be easy. I welcome any and all stories from Westeros.

How are you feeling about the spin-offs? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: George R.R. Martin

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