Anyone remember a quaint little film called Office Space? The Mike Judge directed film that was led by Ron Livingston, and also featured Jennifer Aniston found quite a large following once it hit home video, and it’s one of those films you are shocked to learn one of your friends hasn’t seen.
If you’ve seen the film you certainly rememeber Milton (played brillianty by actor Stephen Root), and if you remember Milton, you remember how much he loved his red Swingline brand stapler. This year will mark 20 years since the film’s release and to celebrate the anniversary, Swingline is producing the red stapler from the film, and you can now own one. Below you can find Root speaking with Entertainment Weekly about the stapler.
“So Mike shows me his little Office Space short film. I added more lisp and strangeness to Milton’s voice. He loved it. Milton’s glasses were so thick, I had to wear contacts in order to see. I had zero depth perception. I had to practice reaching for the stapler. Thankfully we’d painted it red; Swingline didn’t make red ones back then. My obit is probably going to read: Milton is dead.[Laughs] By the way, Swingline succumbed to fan request to make a red model. I still go to sets where boxes of staplers are waiting for me from the crew.”
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This is a cool little prop replica that probably isn’t expensive. Sure, it’s not Indy’s fedora, Jack Sparrow’s compass, or Luke Skywalker’s (I guess it’s officially Rey’s now?) lightsaber, but it’s a nice little piece from a much loved film.
Have any of you seen my sthapler? I believe one of you has my sthapler. If you have it, let me know in the comments down below!!
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Source: Entertainment Weekly