Hayden Christensen open to a Vader spin-off! So said the star in a recent interview with ET Canada. The thing is, I’m not sure whether this would be a good idea or not if it were to happen. Christensen of course plays Anakin/Vader again in Obi-Wan Kenobi, which debut’s tomorrow on Disney+. Christensen is also said by trades to be involved in Ahsoka which has just begun filming in LA. So when asked by the outlet whether he’d be open to a Vader centric spin-off, Christensen was positive.
“Yeah, I mean, absolutely,” he said. “I think this is a character that resonates in our culture in a very kind of profound way, and there’s certainly more there to explore.”
On one hand I think, Vader is the best character in Star Wars. Audiences would likely go nuts for a show which focused on the Sith Lord. However, on the other hand, as the classic meme puts forth, the whole Skywalker Saga is about Anakin. The prequels being his fall to the Darkside and the originals his redemption. As for the sequels, the fact they didn’t focus much on Anakin wasn’t for me. I mean, I know he was dead, but how can those sequel be part of the Skywalker Saga, when it’s Anakin’s story? Not only that, but the sequel also diminished Anakin’s redemption big time by allowing Palpatine to survive.
We also have the fact that the Star Wars: Vader comics have really been filling in the gaps of Vader’s life between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope and Obi-Wan Kenobi will further fill that period out. I guess what I’m saying is that there is not much room to play with when it comes to Vader. Then again, we also have the fact that Disney likes making money and a Vader centric show is like printing money (if you get it right).
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If someone came to Lucasfilm with a great idea that just worked, then I’m all for it. However the idea has to come first and has to be great. Forcing something where it’s not needed would be a disaster for me. I think we also have to deal with the Rancor in the room. A Vader centric spin-off doesn’t need Hayden Christensen whatsoever. Even in Obi-Wan Kenobi, it’s not going to be Hayden always in the suit, he’s too small for a start. As for the voice, well we all know who’s we want to hear, and it’s not Christensen. Therefore whilst I think the idea could potentially work, I’m not sure how that would work as a vehicle for Christensen. You can’t keep having shots of Vader out of mask just to show Hayden’s heavily scarred (make-up) face.
I really am in two minds about this and luckily, for now, it’s just a throwaway comment. I mean you could title this piece, ‘Actor Wants More Well Paid Work’ and it would be just as accurate.
With Hayden Christensen open to a Vader spin-off, the question is, would it work, and do you want it? As always, share your thoughts below, or over on our Discord server.