With so much attention on Wonder Woman, and the rest of the Justice League, it’s easy to over look that Superman turns 79 this month since his debut in 1933. His character is one of the most important superheroes in the history of comic books. Henry Cavill, the current Superman, took to social media to make sure that everyone was informed of this milestone. Check out his post from Instagram:
Like Cavill was saying, it’s a very interesting fact that Superman was first created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster as a villain in a short story titled “The Reign of the Superman“ in January of 1933. It’s crazy to think that Superman was first a bald villain with telepathic powers. It wasn’t until 1938 that Superman finally made his mark on the cover of the first issue of Action Comics. Comic book readers loved Superman and it was deemed an immediate success. So much that the popular title Detective Comics, which soon would debut Batman, started a sister series called Superman dedicated to the hero. Action Comics would soon also be turned into a Superman exclusive book. Since their commitment to Superman, these two titles have continued to be published without interruption since 1938.
In 1978 Superman hit the big screen in the self titled film directed by Richard Donner starring Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman and Margot Kidder. They went on to make three more films: Superman II, Superman III and IV. The next film to come out by Bryan Singer starring Brandon Routh in 2006 which did not do very well. Then in 2013 Zack Snyder directed the film Man of Steel, which gave us a reintroduction to the character and also was the launch point for the DCEU. That film was followed up by Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and later this year Justice League.
I have no doubt that Cavill wanted to take a moment to let people know that Superman is still around, especially with characters such as Wonder Woman and Aquaman being very popular with fans now that they are starting to get more screen time. It is going to be very exciting to see how his character makes his return in Justice League. How do you feel about the Man of Steel? Is he one of your favorite heroes, or not?
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Source: Instagram
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