Horizon Forbidden West has been delayed, unfortunately. The Guerrilla Games and Sony sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn has been pushed to early 2022. It was originally to be released for the holiday season, but I guess Christmas day will look a little gray and gloomy for gamers. And here I was hoping for a white Christmas.
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I’m not surprised by this news. There have been many games that have pushed back their release date this year. Hogwarts Legacy, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, and God of War: Ragnarok have been also delayed to 2022 as well. There have been many delays and shutdowns for other projects as well. Shows like House of the Dragon and Bridgerton have stopped production due to cast and crew testing positive for Covid-19. Although, I wonder if the delay is pandemic related or is it because of Aloy’s face. There was some backlash for Horizon Forbidden West when fans saw how different Aloy’s face looked in the gameplay released back in May. Maybe Guerrilla Games wants to make some changes.
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Whatever the reason for the delay, I can’t wait for it’s release. Horizon: Zero Dawn was amazing and I’m looking forward to Forbidden West.
What are you thoughts on the delay for Forbidden West? Also, are there any other games that have been delayed that you were looking forward to? Let me know in the comments.
Source: Polygon