HOT RUMOR: Here’s The Lowdown On The Villains In SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING!

It was just yesterday that I was waxing nostalgic about the relationship LRM has built with the character of Spider-Man over the years, and how interwoven our history has been with his cinematic exploits. Today I woke up to some interesting news that I just had to share with you all, and it’s about Spider-Man: Homecoming. So strap yourselves in, boys and girls, we’re about to talk a bit about the villains from the upcoming Marvel/Sony reboot.

For some time now, there’s been lots of speculation about the antagonists in Spider-Man: Homecoming. We’ve heard The Vulture be confirmed, we’ve seen spy pics and heard rumors of Shocker, and there have been other unsubstantiated rumors that aren’t worth discussing. A new rumor making the rounds, though, is that there will indeed be another baddie in Spider-Man: Homecoming. And it actually makes a ton of sense.

According to the bros at Schmoes Know, the third villain won’t be of the super-powered variety. He won’t be a Spider-Man villain at all, actually. He’ll be a Peter Parker villain.

See, according to that site, while Vulture and Shocker will be occupying Spider-Man’s time when he’s in his underoos, there’ll be someone making Peter’s daily life quite difficult on a personal level. An interesting theory is that this fellow may actually be someone who’s actively dating Aunt May (Marisa Tomei), and Peter either doesn’t approve of him, or he’s someone who’s just trying too hard to fill the void of Uncle Ben. So this villain won’t be of the diabolical variety, but rather just a challenge in Peter’s life.

If that turns out to be the case, it’ll quietly answer why they made Aunt May so young and fetching. They wanted an Aunt May that was still out there dating, and not the more classic “sweet old widow” depiction of the character.

Now allow me to add my own pure speculation to this speculation. What if they pull something where this Aunt May Boyfriend fellow is also secretly a Spidey villain, and that ends up being a twist of some sort towards the end? Say May has the hots for a silver fox played by Michael Keaton, who is rumored to be playing The Vulture. Just my own wild stab in the dark. 

Regardless, I like this rumor, as it also falls more in line with what we’ve heard about the film being inspired by the teen dramas that John Hughes made in the 80s. Aunt May having an overbearing boyfriend that gets on Peter’s nerves while he’s already stretched thin by being a secret crimefighter could be a fun, playful element to explore amidst all of the spectacle. And it’s a very relatable, “real-life” issue that many kids and teenagers can understand. It emphasizes the humanity of Peter Parker, with his everyday concerns, which is something that’s always been so vital to the books. I should also note that the rumor leaves open the possibility that this third, “Peter Parker Villain” is a schoolteacher. 

But wait! There’s more…

The Schmoes Know report also states that we may very well meet another central figure from the Spidey mythos in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and that it’s more or less just a tease for things to come. This, of course, calls to mind Norman Osborne- who we know eventually becomes Green Goblin- but the site can’t verify that. All they know is that we’ll meet this character in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and that it’s someone who will loom larger in future films. 

Lots to chew on here, folks. 

Let me know what you think! It sounds like Spider-Man: Homecoming is shaping up to be really special. If it’s half as good as it has the potential to be, I’ll likely have to take a six month hiatus after seeing the film in order to console my friend Greg, whose brain will melt from having his dreams brought to life before his very eyes. Spidey is to him what Superman is to me. Which makes me wonder: Who is your hero? Which comic book hero is the one that defines you, the one you’re most closely related to? Discuss.

SOURCE: Schmoes Know

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