They said it couldn’t be done. They said IT: Chapter Two couldn’t actually beat out its predecessor, IT: Chapter One, which took in $123 million in its opening weekend. And as it turns out…it couldn’t. But that’s not to say it still didn’t manage to scare up more than enough money to make studio execs happy. As was proven this past weekend, audiences were more than happy to be thrilled a second time around in Derry, Maine.
According to Box Office Mojo, IT: Chapter Two floated to $91 million domestically in its opening weekend, making it the second-largest horror opening of all-time, only behind the first movie. It also placed second in highest September opening of all-time.
RELATED – IT: Chapter Two Review – Not As Scary As Chapter One, But A Solid Finale
But, of course, the film also debuted in many different territories worldwide, managing to land an additional $94 million overseas, making for a grand total of $185 million so far off of its reported $60 to $70 million budget. All in all, it is very possible that this movie is already in the black, meaning that everything else after this could be gravy. If not, it’s cutting it pretty close.
It’ll be interesting to see what kind of staying power it has. On the whole, most fans and critics seem to agree it’s solid, but they aren’t nearly as glowing as they were in the first movie, which is understandable given its bloated length.
What do you think of IT: Chapter Two taking in $185 worldwide in its opening weekend? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Box Office Mojo