Jack Bender On How They Came Up With Brady’s Inner Mind In Mr. Mercedes | SDCC 2018

Stephen King has had a good numbers of his novels adapted recently, and almost a year ago, Mr. Mercedes made its small-screen debut.  Season 2 is on its way and Executive Producer and Director Jack Bender provided some insight at the recent roundtable discussion:

QUESTION: “How did you come up with the inside of Brady’s mind?”

Jack Bender: “I have to give credit to the writers. I don’t have to, I want to. It was the writers who came up with the idea. When we see Brady enter that lair almost like an infant who’s learning how to walk again, and smell, and see, and is very infantile.”

“The writers came up with the idea that this season the lair would be his mind, which I thought was pretty brilliant. It changes over the episodes in ways that you will see. It was the writers who came up with that conceit, and then I would do stuff they wrote and not do stuff they wrote.”

“That’s my job and that was great. Harry and I just would frequently invent stuff, which was the way we always worked last season in the lair, from his dancing in that same episode. Where he dances to a Radiohead song, to all the stuff he does this year. There was a lot of inventing and the writers paved the way for it with, ‘This is what his brain looks like and this is where he can begin to think and do what he’s trying to do.’ That was their notion.”

RELATED — Mr. Mercedes EP On Why Season 2 Won’t Resemble Book 2 Of Stephen King’s Trilogy | SDCC 2018

You can tell a good deal of effort and planning went into the development of Brady’s mind.  It’s nice to see a good deal of balance and trust between the director and writers.  Do you think Season 2 will be a success even if it isn’t following the second book, Finders Keepers (More on that in the related article above by our own, Jammer)?  How would you rank Mr. Mercedes among the rest of King’s adaptions?  Leave your thoughts in the usual spot, and thanks for reading!

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