James Gunn Shares Part Of His Original Guardians Of The Galaxy Pitch

A few years ago, many casual fans had no idea who The Guardians of the Galaxy were. While I had heard of them, I didn’t exactly know what they were all about. Having not been exposed to comics as a child, I really didn’t know what to expect from the Marvel Space crew.

Thankfully, director James Gunn did. The director of my now favorite Marvel franchise took to his Facebook page and posted a few photos from his initial pitch to the Marvel executives. You can see the post below:


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Along with Gunn’s artwork we can see part of his thought process involving the Guardians, as most now know them. What really caught my eye was the reference to the great director John Ford. While the MCU wasn’t struggling by any means, Gunn found a way to bring something new and fresh to it, there was a bigger sense of fun that came with The Guardians, sure the MCU had its fair share of humor, but to me there was an extra something that came along with Star-Lord and his crew.

I can’t imagine The Guardians of the Galaxy any other way, and I am glad Gunn got the job, he has created something truly special within the already brilliant MCU.

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Source: James Gunn

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