James Gunn Statement Following Online Abuse Plus He Debunks Another Rumor

Today we are sharing another James Gunn statement, this time following a ton of online abuse aimed at Gunn and co-head of DCU Peter Saffran. Plus Gunn debunks another rumor about the DCU plans just for good measure. Unless you’ve been sleeping you’re probably aware there is likely a massive reboot happening in the DCU. To be fair the only facts we have so far are that Henry Cavill will not be playing Superman. James Gunn is writing a Superman movie, and it will star a new actor.

That’s it, the rest has been trades, leakers and rumors all the way. However those rumors do persist that the whole universe is getting a reboot. As you’d imagine there are some fans furious with this. There are those 1000 or so Snyder Fans who now think James Gunn is Satan and that Zack Snyder is the avenging angel that will save them. One thing about that fan group is that at least 12 of them are very adept at spouting online abuse on multiple accounts. Pity they couldn’t magic those online accounts into ticket sales, then the movies might have made more money.

Now, I’m being slightly flippant here. I know there are genuine fans of that Universe who are also reasonable and don’t abuse people online. However, it’s the online abuse, which seems to have prompted the following response from Gunn.

Then Gunn responded to one fans comment on the rumor that everyone was getting recast, except those who starred in James Gunn’s movie or TV show.

Question is, does that mean they’re recasting everyone, or that all the reboot rumors are untrue? My guess is the former, a full reboot for everyone. However…. Remember we had the story this week that Gal Gadot was out as Wonder Woman? Well one fan in a now deleted tweet spoke about the ‘the move to boot Cavill and Gadot’. To which Gunn replied,

“I’m not sure where you’re getting that we ‘booted’ Gal.”

RELATED: Gal Gadot Rumored To Be Replaced As Wonder Woman In DCU Reboot | Barside Buzz

So far Gunn has been saying we need too wait till May. It sounds like some kind of announcement about the future of the DCU will happen then. Honestly until then, I think fans just need to be patient and stop reading gossip. Who knows what the current plan is, outside of the fact we know Cavill will not be returning and Gunn is writing a new Superman movie.

However, patience is not something fans are known for. As such, every article claiming to have information is doing gangbusters, is it’s no wonder everyone is publishing any rumor they hear from sources. It’s a dangerous game though, if you’re source isn’t legit, Gunn is likely to call you out.

What do you think of this latest James Gunn statement? If you want a look at some of the online abuse for yourself, just check those twitter threads. There are genuinely some accounts wishing for Gunn to die so this doesn’t come to fruition. What do you think as Gunn debunks another rumor? As always, leave any thoughts below.

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