A couple weeks back, the internet was set ablaze when it was reported that actor Alec Baldwin was going to be playing Batman’s father Thomas Wayne in the standalone Joker origin story, Joker. The flames were fanned further when news came out that he’d already actually dropped out of the movie, and couldn’t commit fully due to scheduling conflicts.
The film is already in production, and I personally have been waiting to see who they’d get to replace Baldwin. Now, TheWrap is finally reporting that we have our man, and that man’s name is Brent Cullen. Yeah, I know, he’s no Baldwin in terms of his recognizability, but he’s definitely a veteran actor with plenty of roles to his name.
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Interestingly enough, Cullen has actually acted in a Batman film before. In Nolan’s trilogy-capping The Dark Knight Rises, he took on the role of congressman Byron Gilley, who is abducted by Selina Kyle in the movie so she can use his phone. It ain’t really a high-profile role, but it’s a connection.
Upon first hearing about Baldwin joining the film, you may have heard rumors of him portraying the character in a Trump-like fashion. Sadly, there are no details as to whether or not that rumor is actually true.
What do you think of Cullen taking on the role of Thomas Wayne in Joker? Let us know down below!
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