It’s a war movie. It’s a monster movie. It’s definitely not another Cloverfield movie.
J.J. Abrams-produced Overlord will be playing nationwide tomorrow with early day previews tonight. The film blends intense action-horror sequences of American troops unknowingly parachuted into a Nazi secret base that was experimenting serums to bring back the dead.
The film stars Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell, Mathilde Ollivier and Pilou Asbaek.
LRM Online sat down for an exclusive interview with the two main American actors Jovan Adepo and Wyatt Russell. We discussed the fun on the production, which eerily seems like a video game. We even joked around about it not being a Cloverfield movie.
Overlord is in theaters tonight for early screenings and playing nationwide tomorrow.
Check out our interview at the top of the article.
Source: LRM Online Exclusive