No, Jurassic World wasn’t a perfect film (and some would even call it a garbage film…not me, though), but it did have a lot of fun moments. Some of the funnier aspects of the film came courteous of some of the folks in the control room, namely the character of Lowery, played by Jake Johnson. To me, personally, Lowery was one of the better parts of the film, and I looked forward to seeing him play a role in the sequel.
As we’ve been more than a little aware of, Lowery was ultimately written out of the film, robbing us of the funny side characters. But what was the reasoning behind it? Speaking with Empire, producer and writer Colin Tevorrow gave his reasoning, saying:
“There may have even been an early moment where Lowery was Franklin’s character, because he potentially could have done that job. But he didn’t quite have the same spirit. We did like the idea of [Zia and Franklin] being pretty idealistic young people who are activists who really believe in the cause that Claire believes in. I wasn’t really able to shoehorn [Lowery] into that, he’s kind of a cynical guy.”
I can certainly understand this perspective, but I can’t say I fully agree. Sure, Franklin was pretty funny in his own way, but there’s nothing there that he did that Lowery’s character couldn’t have done. Lowery may have been cynical, but given his experience with Claire, he could have jumped on board I.T. for her dino-saving mission as well.
At the end of the day, not a whole lot was lost, but as someone who’s always loved Johnson’s work, I was a bit disappointed.
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SOURCE: Empire Online