Note: For simplicity’s sake, whenever the term “reshoots” is used, unless otherwise stated, assume that it’s a catchall term that includes pick-ups, additional photography, and the standard reshooting of scenes.
In weeks past, there have been some rumors regarding the state of the DC Extended Universe — namely, the status of their upcoming team-up film, Justice League. Extensive reshoots and additionally photography have, perhaps wrongly, been correlated with bad movies, and while reshoots have been a standard practice for films in the past decade or so, it still seems to give audiences some concern.
Now, a report from Batman-On-Film seems to back up the rumors of extensive additional photography. According to the outlet, said photography has commenced in London with Joss Whedon at the helm. Their source has stated that these reshoots will be “significant,” though we can likely argue back and forth on what that really means. They also stated that these reshoots will not be your standard pick-ups, and will extend through July, and perhaps even August.
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Of course, “reshoots” is one of those buzzwords that we hate to hear in reference to our most anticipated movies, but it’s not all bad news. Their source is rather optimistic about the additional couple months of shooting, and seem to think that it’ll result in an incredibly strong flick.
This does bring into question just how much of the movie Whedon will be changing along the way. Before Zack Snyder stepped down from his director position to deal with a family tragedy, he had hired Whedon to pen additional scenes for the additional scenes, and with him now in the director’s chair, it’s hard to shake that feeling that Whedon’s fingerprint will be ever-present.
When Snyder’s departure was announced, Warner Bros. President Toby Emmerich stated that:
“The directing is minimal and it has to adhere to the style and tone and the template that Zack set. We’re not introducing any new characters. It’s the same characters in some new scenes. He’s handing the baton to Joss, but the course has really been set by Zack. I still believe that despite this tragedy, we’ll still end up with a great movie.”
We’re not sure if things have changed, or if this was the plan all along, but I do think it’s important to continually bring up the fact that Whedon comes from the land of TV. In short, he knows how to stick to an established tone. So while it may seem like a red flag that the reshoots are extensive, it’s not unreasonable to believe that Whedon’s fingerprint will be minimal, and that his direction will be in keeping with Snyder’s vision, so long as it’s in service of making a better film.
What do you think of this latest report? Does this concern you at all, or do you think this’ll all result in a much better film? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Batman-On-Film
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