Sure, films like Batman v Superman had their flaws. When all said and done, it wasn’t the type of film that a lot of fans wanted. Personally, however, I genuinely appreciated it for its ambition. In the face of what’s generally considered solid storytelling, director Zack Snyder put in the famous Knightmare sequence that made everyone scratch their heads.
What’s more, is that he had the courage not to explain what the hell it was. Why did it happen? What did it mean? Sorry, viewer, but you’ll have to tune in next week to find out! I personally loved that ballsy move from the filmmaker, and eagerly awaited the day when it’d all come back around, and I’d have my questions answered.
Sadly, that day never came, and it likely never will. Zack Snyder departed from the project, and from what we know, Warner Bros. had a heavy hand in streamlining the overall story to fit more mainstream sensibilities. But did this include a follow-up to the Knightmare sequence? It sounds like it very well could have. The folks over at Screen Rant have uncovered a page of storyboards, and in it, we see a scene that is very clearly another Knightmare sequence.
Sadly, it’s not completely clear everything that’s going on here, but with the omega symbol in plain view, it almost looks like a continuation of what we saw in Batman v Superman. Another cool shot is where you see the Justice League banner buried underground.
This makes me wonder if the scene was originally set to be yet another perplexing Knightmare sequence that would pay off in the previously-planned Justice League Part 2. Perhaps Snyder really was playing the long game, rather than trying to wrap everything up in one fell swoop. Regardless, it’s unlikely we’ll ever know.
What do you think about this seeming confirmation of another Knightmare sequence? Let us know your thoughts down below!
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SOURCE: Screen Rant