The Kingdom Hearts series has always been a celebration of the Disney legacy mixed in with the opaque and convoluted storytelling of your average SquareEnix joint. More specifically, a Final Fantasy game. For many, it’s lived up to those two ideals pretty darn well, with there being just enough cameos set in place to help complement the twists and turns that come with your average JRPG.
Kingdom Hearts III will mark the first major entry in the franchise since God knows when, and given all the properties that have popped up in the years since the second game, you know there’ll be plenty of material for them to mine from. At this year’s E3, we already saw a trailer that showed off many fresh new worlds, including that of Frozen, and in the new one from Tokyo Game Show, we got even more worlds thrown our way.
In this trailer, we get to see the world of Big Hero 6 on display, along with Monsters Inc., Tangled, and Toy Story. Just like the trailer at E3, this one, for some reason, has no actual sound effects on display other than the voice acting, so it may be hard to gauge just HOW cheesy it actually is — though it’s probably pretty darn cheesy.
Disney fans will undoubtedly view this as a must-have game. Let’s just hope it manages to live up to the high bar set by those first two games.
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SOURCE: Kingdom Hearts