Alex Kurtzman, who has been tasked with bringing a Venom film to the big screen as a spinoff from Sony’s Amazing Spider-Man franchise, took some time to chat with MTV about how they’re approaching the character. While discussing the way Spidey’s arch nemesis will differ from our favorite web-head, he dusts off everyone’s favorite post-Nolan buzz word: “Darker.”
“The idea is that you can do things with Venom that you can’t do with Spider-Man,” says Kurtzman. “Venom is the representation of every line that will get crossed,†Kurtzman continued. He then added that magical word that Hollywood types love to throw out there when discussing their comic book properties: “He’s a much darker character.“
Of course, that special word does hold water in this case, as he’s a character that definitely should be quite dark. I guess I’m just still suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from the number of times I heard directors, writers, and producers use that D-word after Batman Begins came out.
But then things get weird.
When pressed about how Sony is doing with their world-building, compared to Marvel Studios, Kurtzman throws out an answer that’s a bit baffling. “You know, Spider-Man has the benefit of having so many more movies than even some of the movies that have 2?s and 3?s in front of them from Marvel,” explained Kurtzman.
Umm…Mr. Kurtzman, are you forgetting that Sony rebooted the Spidey franchise? That would mean that this current take on the character is only two films in. Or are we still going with that weird studio “double talk” that came down the pike before The Amazing Spider-Man came out that it wasn’t so much a reboot as it was a series of “untold stories”? And, even if we are to include the previous three films- giving us five Spider-Man movies total so far- how exactly does that help you stack up against what Marvel is doing? I suppose if brand recognition is what you want to hang your hat on, then sure, that might give Spidey a slight edge, but that really doesn’t add anything to the conversation regarding the strength of either studio’s approach.
Regarding The Amazing Spider-Man 3, Kurtzman remains optimistic that there’s an insatiable appetite out there for all things Spider-Man. “I think as long as it keeps staying true to character, and true to who Peter is, and putting him in interesting and complicated situations, it’ll survive,†Kurtzman thinks. “Because it’s so beloved – everybody loves Spider-Man.”
How did Kurtzman’s comments strike you? Think they have a grip on their Spidey-verse over there at Sony? Excited about Venom?