Comedian Lilly Singh is about to become the first South Asian late-night host and the first woman to host a late-night television show in over thirty years. Her show, A Little Late With Lilly Singh, debuts this fall and Singh admits to being a little nervous about the pressure. In a video released by Netflix on YouTube, Singh sat down with Patriot Act host Hasan Minhaj to talk about how she’s preparing for the big debut.
Singh revealed that she had asked two people for advice regarding her show: Minhaj himself and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Singh took to heart what Johnson said, stating “he’s the smartest person in the world.” When she told Johnson she was afraid hosting the late-night gig would limit her in pursuing other things, Singh went into detail how he broke it down:
“He said, ‘Listen, I was a wrestler. Then I became a movie star. Then I did TV, now I produce. If you want to do all of those things, then you will define that, and you are the one that makes the rules.’”
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Singh, whose YouTube channel currently holds 15 million subscribers, has worked with the wrestler-turned-actor/producer a bit, including the Seven Bucks Moment series. Minhaj also gave Singh his insight, explaining that “Stephen is going to be Stephen, Oliver is going to be Oliver. Everyone is going to do their own version of who they are.”
A Little Late with Lilly Singh premieres September 16th on NBC.
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Source: Netflix/YouTube.