Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the ending of Logan
While Logan was a pitch perfect sendoff for both Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart, there is little doubt that there is also some real franchise potential for the third mutant of the trinity of broken heroes. That’s right, Logan also served as a highlight for Laura Kinney (a.k.a. X-23), a young girl who was a product of inhumane genetic tampering.
She may have been just a little girl, but she was just as broken as Logan and Charles, and given that the ending of the film saw her heading to Eden with the rest of her mutant friends (The New Mutants?), giving the filmmakers room to take advantage of the character later on down the line.
But where could they take the character? Speaking with THR, X-23 creator Craig Kyle gave his pitch as to what he’d do with Laura if given the opportunity.
“We know the kids were created and tested. I’d love to see some of the stories that we told [in the comics], see as much as we can of how she came to be, but then really get into the stories of what she was forced to do and commit. She said she killed people. She said bad people. The bulk of who X-23 and Laura killed in the comic books were bad people, but she did kill some children. She did kill a whole press corps. I think there’s something powerful about watching her go through those horrors without any say and without any ability to not take those actions.
“A story I always wanted to tell was, once she’s free and once she’s gone through what she’s gone through, the only way she can have a hope for a future is for her to go back and trace the lives that remained and were harmed by the actions she was forced to commit. You put her on this journey of redemption. She faces the families that lost fathers. The orphans, everyone that was touched by her horrific acts. And she can go through them one by one and face everyone affected by the murders she was forced to commit, if she can get to the end of that road without being killed by those that remain, there’s something on the other side of that. I think it would truly be transformative for the character.”
Not to take this in a weird place, but it’s difficult not to hear this and think of the short-lived TV series My Name is Earl, which followed Jason Lee’s Earl Hickey in his attempts to right all the wrongs he committed in his earlier years. While the show was approached in kind of a silly, lighthearted way, they weren’t afraid to give the story a real heart that made it rewarding to watch.
Having Laura go through a similar (albeit more violent) journey on hear end in this way would be an amazing way to continue her story without losing the darker aspects of her character. That being said, this seems like a story best suited to a longform TV series. Perhaps if they could work this into an FX series, we’d be onto something here. Give us two to three seasons, and we’ll call it quits.
What do you think of Kyle’s idea? is it a good one, or would you prefer a different approach? Let us know your comments down below!
Logan is out in theaters now!
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