After well over a decade of fans clamoring for a sequel to one of M. Night Shyamalan’s earlier pieces of work, Unbreakable, they were given that in the form of the unexpectedly strong hit, Split.
The film started off as an unconventional horror-thriller, telling the story of a group of girls getting kidnapped by a deranged man with multiple personalities. After around 90 minutes of taut, nail-biting storytelling, it was revealed that the film took place in the same world as Unbreakable, and the foundation was set for a trilogy-capping third film.
RELATED – Glass: This Iconic Unbreakable Location Is Being Revisited
The film is set to hit theaters early next year, but production has already wrapped, and now Shyamalan has revealed that he’s shown off footage to the studios involved.
Just came back from LA where I showed 12mins of #Glass to @UniversalPics & @DisneyStudios . Very very gracious reaction. #comicbookthriller
— M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) January 29, 2018
Of course, it’s human nature to take the words “Very very gracious reaction” with a grain of salt. It’s not as though Shyamalan would reveal that the studio ripped him a new one and he now needed to reshoot half of the film, but the fact that he shared anything on Twitter is telling.
Had the studios actually given very negative feedback, it’s very unlikely that he would have shared anything at all with his followers. With that in mind, we’ll take it as good news that he made any update at all this morning.
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SOURCE: M. Night Shyamalan