Okay, so right off the bat, I’d like to apologize for the super clickbaity title, but there really was no other way to capture the pure insanity of the story I’m about to share. As we all know, being spoiled kind of sucks. We’ve all come just a little too late to a new film or episode of TV, and have been spoiled as a result. Hell, maybe sometimes your friends just throw a spoiler in your face just to mess with you. Maybe you’ve dreamed of getting revenge in some way…but below is the plan of a true psychopath.
One Redditor under the name Jus10Sch recently took to the site to share an elaborate story about how he got revenge on a random dude online who spoiled Avengers: Infinity War for him last year. Apparently, when that film launched, some guy randomly targeted him and spoiled the movie for him by commenting on one of his posts.
Most people may get pissed and move on with their lives…but not this guy. He pretended to laugh about the other user spoiling the movie, but secretly got to work plotting his revenge. He made friends with the guy over the next several months, where they talked about memes, movies, and the like. He then found out his new “friend” would not be seeing Avengers: Endgame opening night, which pretty much sealed said “friend”s fate. I’ll let the man say the rest for himself on how it all went down.
“So I saw Endgame, and while I was in the theater, I took PLENTY of pictures. I took pictures of Thanos death #1, Captain Marvel, Ronin, Black Widow’s death, Smart Hulk, Fat Thor, 2 Captain America’s, 2 Nebulas, Stan Lee’s cameo, all the snapped coming back, Iron Man’s death, and several other plot points. When I got out, I almost thought of not doing it. I don’t like to spoil movies, I think it’s lame, but I reassured myself that this guy deserves it. So I texted him that I saw it, he asked how it was and I told him it was great, he told me not to spoil it, and I said “Oh, like how you spoiled Infinity War.” “Then he switched moods, he was all like “Hey man, that was a long time ago, we’re friends now,” Stuff like that. Then, in one glorious action, I sent all the pictures as fast as I could, messaging plot points along with the pictures. It was all over in like 30 seconds, but he definitely saw it all. He cursed me out, saying I was a horrible person and stuff. Then he said “Why would you do that, we’re such good friends?” And I texted back, “we’re not friends, a year ago you picked me out of a crowd of thousands and ruined a movie that I had been wanting to see for months, since then I’ve been lying to you, deceiving you and gaining your trust all for this moment. You are not my friend, just a person who got what they deserve.” Then, he cursed me out some more, and I haven’t talked to him since.”
RELATED – Avengers: Endgame – How Test Screenings Helped The Russo Brothers Make The Film’s Plot Easier To Understand
Some may call it justice, and while I do think it’s pretty funny how this all went down, him going into detail about how they weren’t really “friends” and how it was all a ploy to get revenge is slightly scary. Just goes to show that you can’t get between a man and his fan obsessions.
But what did you think of this story? Did the man go a bit overboard, or did he get his just deserts? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Reddit