MAN OF STEEL 2 In Active Development At Warner Bros.

It wasn’t too long ago that the idea of a MAN OF STEEL 2 wouldn’t be a big surprise. In fact, if you’ll recall, that was the idea filmmaker Zack Snyder was actively pursuing after the first MAN OF STEEL was released. We now know that one thing led to another, and eventually, fans were instead treated to the divisive BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE, a movie that brought together the trinity that is Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.

Many joked that Superman got usurped from his own sequel, and some even lamented that Superman would likely never get another standalone film in the DC Extended Universe. To their credit, Warner Bros. announced a hefty slate of film back in October 2014 that consisted of nine films through 2020, and not one of them was slated as a MAN OF STEEL sequel. However, if a new report from TheWrap is to be believed, then it sounds like a sequel is definitely in the cards.

One of TheWrap’s sources reportedly told them that not only is a MAN OF STEEL sequel in the works, but it is a “top priority” for the studio, and that “getting the character right for audiences is of tantamount importance.”

The last quote there definitely has me wondering about what kind of interpretation we could expect out of Clark Kent should this film get pushed through. One of the big criticisms of BATMAN v SUPERMAN was that Superman wasn’t a likable character. Snyder seemed more interested in deconstructing the idea of Superman than he was interested in showing a more traditional interpretation of the superhero. Does that mean MAN OF STEEL 2 will feature something more in line with what fans expect of the character?

I’m of two mindsets of this one. I completely understand fans and their desire to get that “boy scout” of a character on the big screen — a modern Christopher Reeve, if you will. However, the ball seems to be inmotion to take the character in exactly the opposite direction in the DCEU. If you’ll recall in BATMAN v SUPERMAN, the Flash paid an interesting visit to Bruce Wayne in the Batcave, stating that Bruce was “right to fear him.” I personally thought that implied Superman, and was maybe even pointing to Superman having an INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US-type arc wherein he forcefully takes over the world and establishes a dictatorship of sorts following the death of Lois Lane.

If that quote from TheWrap is to be taken at face value, does that mean they fully intend to swing in the exact opposite direction, or will this MAN OF STEEL sequel take place after said arc is complete? TheWrap’s source at least indicated that the standalone Batman film is likely to come before MAN OF STEEL 2, so there seems to be plenty of time between now and then for Supes to go through his downward spiral before becoming the boy scout many fans know and love him as.

As per usual, ever DC story seems to only add more and more questions to the table. What do you think? Let us know in the comments down below!

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