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Marvel Barside Buzz Part 1 – X-Men To Get Writer In Weeks – Juggernaut Variant In Deadpool & Wolverine + More

Barside Buzz hasn't been buzzing, but today we have the supposed latest X-Men pitch roster and some Fantastic Four side villains to discuss.

Welcome to Part 1 of todays Marvel Barside Buzz, including X-Men movie to get writer in weeks, a Juggernaut variant in Deadpool & Wolverine plus more. To start, lets look at the upcoming, but as yet unannounced MCU X-Men movie. Whilst Jackman may be back for one, (or more) last hurrah, an X-Men reboot is inevitable. Recently we’ve heard the plan is to start filming this X-Men movie around the same time as Avengers 5, sometime in 2025.

In a recent appearance on the John Campea Show, leaker Jeff Sneider claims that Marvel are looking to announce the writer of this movie within the next weeks. Sneider gives no name, or hints, indicating perhaps he hasn’t heard a name. But this does echo the other small rumors that have popped up about the X-Men reboot. Sneider talks of Deadpool & Wolverine as the last road for the FoX-Men characters before we get an MCU version. Check the video in the link above, timestamp 01:05:30 (roughly).

RELATED: Mind Blowing Post-Credit Scene For Deadpool & Wolverine Backed By Deadpool’s Creator | Barside Buzz

And whilst we are on the subject of X-Men, another cameo character is rumored for Deadpool & Wolverine. According to MTTSH on her sub service, a Juggernaut variant will show up. I imagine this would not be a huge deal and just a small cameo. One factor that may lend some validity to this rumor is former actor Vinnie Jones. Jones was upfront in saying that he was asked to return as Juggernaut for Deadpool & Wolverine. However, it wasn’t a role he enjoyed. Therefore, the money he was being offered by the film was not enough to have him go through that again. He declined the offer. However, it would be easy enough to just redesign a variant Juggernaut for an actor willing to step in. Perhaps this is exactly what happened?

Our final little nugget for Part 1 comes from Daniel RPK on his Patreon. There is more from RPK in Part 2. However, he does state that Marvel is very happy with X-Men 97′ and keen to make sure there are more seasons being developed. He says the plan would be for them to shoot back to back so that a new series is being made whilst the previous one is airing. This of course would cut down on wait time between seasons and is more how traditional TV shows worked.

The X-Men have kinda already arrived and it looks like they’re here to stay in the MCU. What do you think of our Marvel Barside Buzz Part 1? Let us know what you think of the rumor the X-Men movie gets a writer in weeks, or about the Juggernaut variant in Deadpool & Wolverine. Thoughts below as always.

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