In a thrilling announcement made at New York Comic Con in October, Marvel has set the stage for its next epic crossover event, “BLOOD HUNT,” slated to launch this May. Penned by the talented Jed MacKay, known for his work on Avengers and Moon Knight, and brought to life by the acclaimed X-Men artist Pepe Larraz, the monumental narrative raises the question: “WHO WILL BITE IT?” as vampires take center stage like never before.
The main limited series, tie-in issues, and spinoff limited series promise to immerse readers in a riveting tale where their beloved heroes grapple with the seductive ways of creatures of the night. For the first time in millennia, a formidable army of bloodsucking terrors unites under a single vision, threatening to reshape the Marvel Universe by plunging it into darkness. To restore the light, a new world order may be the only solution.
Today, eager fans can catch a glimpse of the first issue cover and witness the Avengers engaging in an opening battle against the vampire nation’s forces. Additionally, an exclusive interview with Jed MacKay offers fresh insights into the impending event.
The skies have darkened, with the sun concealing its face from the impending carnage. The vampires, the children of the night, have emerged from the shadows to converge as one force, ready to drown the Marvel Universe in blood. Earth’s final night has descended, prompting the question of whether the heroes of this beleaguered world can stem the tide of blood.
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The Avengers, along with Blade, Bloodline, Spider-Man, Hunter’s Moon, Tigra, Doctor Strange, and Clea, must confront the dance of death that unfolds before them.
MacKay shared his excitement about exploring vampires in the Marvel Universe, stating, “I think vampires are a very fun part of the Marvel Universe. You can enjoy them on a surface level as adding a little spookiness to a book, or you can get as deep as you like into the long-running Marvel history of vampires, which is as elaborate as any other part of it (and the fact that Dracula is there is a source of endless delight)! BLOOD HUNT is just the latest chapter in the long-running vampire mythos of Marvel vampires—and they’re stepping out of the darkness in a big way.”
Editor in Chief C.B. Cebulski compared “BLOOD HUNT” to iconic Marvel stories like Civil War and Secret Invasion, emphasizing that the narrative has been organically building across Marvel’s comics in recent years. As the series unfolds, readers can expect to uncover clues and connect the dots to understand the high stakes for their beloved characters.
For more insights from MacKay and to stay informed about upcoming “BLOOD HUNT” announcements, including tie-in reveals, visit As the event draws near, fans can anticipate more information on how this blood-soaked saga will distinguish itself as a landmark moment in Marvel Comics history. In the meantime, indulge in all-new artwork and reach out to your local comic shop to inquire about preorders today!