
MASSIVE Fantastic Four Rumors Sound Too Good To Be True (And They Probably Are)

Oh, Fantastic Four. Hollywood has done you wrong at every turn. There have been four big movies — three of which actually hit theaters — and exactly none of them have done a worthy job of adapting the source material. On the heels of the 2015 Fantastic Four reboot, many fans had hoped that Marvel Studios would somehow take control of the property they loved so much. Now, years later, that’s exactly the position we’re in…but Marvel Studios has kept their cards pretty close to their chest.

Yesterday, we reported on a Fantastic Four comic book writer visiting Marvel Studios and speculated that this could be in support of a new film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and now, there’s a new report having to do with Marvel’s first family. This latest scoop comes from scooper Mikey Sutton, who originally broke news regarding Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War. However, as with all rumors, be sure to take it with a grain of salt.

Anyway, according to Sutton, the current plan at Marvel is to emphasize what makes them unique — that they’re a family, not a normal team. They’re also explorers, and as such, each movie will see them exploring strange lands, worlds, and dimensions. This leads us to a potential rewriting of their origin. It’s possible (though not confirmed) that they will get their powers in the Negative Zone…which may or may not be part of the Quantum Realm. This leads to the next big rumor…that the Fantastic Four will debut in Ant-Man 3.

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Furthermore, they say Mole Man could be the main villain of the first movie, which would be an homage to that first comic, where he was the big bad. 

But that’s not even the most interesting rumor. Sutton also states that Peter Parker will become Reed Richards’ new protegé and that he will try and join the Fantastic Four, which is an interesting turn. It’s also stated that fan-favorite casting choices John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are at the top of Marvel’s list of actors to portray Reed and Sue. 

Finally, Sutton states that Marvel Studios hopes for the Fantastic Four to meet the rebooted Inhumans at some point, which makes sense, given the Inhuman first appeared in a Fantastic Four issue.

So…what do I think of all that? Well, I think it sounds too damn descriptive to be true, if I’m being honest. Plus, even if it is all true, development is at a point where literally anything can change at the drop of a hat. So I wouldn’t get attached to anything.

The big red flag for me is the news regarding Spider-Man. Are they seriously stating that after that whole fiasco with Spider-Man potentially leaving the MCU that they’re laying the groundwork to further embed him within this universe? While it’s definitely not impossible, it does seem a bit odd, especially given that Sony is clearly going forward with their own pocket universe, which will inevitably include Peter Parker.

Anyway, those are the rumors, and those are my thoughts. It all sounds great, but it sounds too specific and too damn good to be true. But you never know. The landscape is ever-changing, so it’s hard to say. What do you think of all this? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Mikey Sutton (via Everything Always)

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