It’s 2018, and that means we’re about due for a dose of Mission: Impossible. With the film set for a July 2018 release date, it was only a matter of time until we saw something from the film, but Mission: Impossible 6 director Christopher McQuarrie gave us yet another reason to expect something sooner rather than later.
The filmmaker recently took to Instagram to share how close they were getting to completing a new trailer for the film. Check out the post down below!
As we can see there, we can assume the trailer is all but finished at this point, and we wouldn’t be surprised if this results in an early February release (or maybe even earlier). Should it release around that time, however, it would be an earlier trailer than we got for Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, which premiered a mere four months prior to its release.
With that in mind, it could also be a solid month or more until we see something. Either way, it’s nice to know they’re getting some of their marketing material together for us to enjoy. With films like The Mummy and American Made not exactly killing it at the box office in 2017, Tom Cruise could use a financial win, and ironically enough, these Mission: Impossible films only seem to be getting better the deeper get. Hopefully, this will continue that trend, which could lead to another box office success.
Are you looking forward to the Mission: Impossible 6 trailer? Sound off down below!
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SOURCE: Christopher McQuarrie