
Multiverse Of Madness Plot Details And Villain Rumored | Barside Buzz

Some Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness plot rumor’s have surfaced over the last 24 hours from the folks over at The Illuminerdi. As always this is grain of salt until we hear more details. However, my opinion on this rumor is that it is genuine. Therefore beware of potential SPOILERS for Multiverse of Madness in this article.

The outlet has a decent hit rate so far. I also have to say this is not the first time I have heard these plot details. There was never any solid source to even consider publishing those previous rumors. However I think it’s a valid piece of information to share with our readers now that The Illuminerdi is confident enough to publish.

**Potential SPOILERS! Multiverse of Madness Plot Details Below**




According the the source, the main antagonist of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will be classic Marvel villain Shuma Gorath. If you don’t know the character, well then, it is an extra dimensional Octopus looking creature with magic powers. Shuma Gorath has been a villain the the Marvel comics many times and faced off against Strange. As for why Shuma Gorath is a threat, the outlet says the creature’s main goal is to acquire America Chavez. You see Chavez superpowers are her ability to travel between different Universes within the Multiverse. Shuma Gorath wants that power, as with it he can conquer the entire Multiverse. Hey, this is what Strange does, protect our plane of existence from extra-dimensional monsters that want to consume us.

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As I said up top, this exact plot is one I have heard before. I had no reason to buy it as genuine, but I had a feeling at the time that this would not be far off the mark. What we do not have information on, is how Shuma Gorath gets to know about Chavez in the first place? I think we can assume that something Scarlet Witch does cracks open the Multiverse. This action could be what leads Chavez to Strange and also Shuma Gorath to Chavez.

The horror elements of the movie therefore could be this Lovecraftian monster trying to consume a young woman who despite having her own powers can only run? I’ll just say that I will be highly surprised if this one does not turn out to be legit. What are your thoughts on these potential Multiverse of Madness plot details? As always, leave any thoughts below.


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