Ahh the Star Wars Prequels, 2/3 of them use to be the bane of my Star Wars fandom (always liked Revenge of the Sith), however, the sequel trilogy has made my love for them grow, at least a little bit. Make no mistake, I know they’re bad, however, if you ask me if I’d rather watch The Phantom Menace or The Last Jedi, it would be TPM all the way.
Actress Natalie Portman, who played Padme Amidala, the love interest of Anakin Skywalker and eventual mother to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, recently spoke with Empire Online and talked about the backlash the movies originally received, and to a lesser extent still receive. You can check out what she had to say below.
“It was hard. It was a bummer because it felt like people were so excited about new ones and then to have people feel disappointed. Also to be at an age that I didn’t really understand that’s kind of the nature of the beast. When something has that much anticipation it can almost only disappoint.”
Some of the dialogue was so bad, some of Portman’s lines when all dressed up in the fancy queen attire are just awful. I guess she and the rest of the cast did they best they could.
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Portman continued:
“With the perspective of time, it’s been re-evaluated by a lot of people who actually really love them now. There’s a very avid group of people who think they’re the best ones now! I don’t have enough perspective to weigh in.”
She’s right, I’m in a Star Wars group on Facebook, I’m in several actually, but one, in particular, serves up a heavy dose of prequel memes. Personally I find the prequels, especially first two films, to be more valuable as memes now, their pure gold. Of course, the highlights of the prequels have always been John Williams’ “Duel of the Fates,” and who would argue that Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi is an absolute freakin’ delight.
Has your love for the prequels grown at all over the years? Let us know in the comments down below!
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Source: EmpireOnline