Netflix’s newest original series, The Rain, is a post-apocolyptic thriller that evokes sci-fi-horror classics like 12 Monkeys, The Road, and 28 Days Later.
The synopsis: After a deadly virus, carried by the rain, wipes out most of the population, a young brother and sister begin a journey to find a safe haven. Wait a second… isn’t this the plot of the “Chubby Rain” script from Steve Martin’s Bowfinger? I digress.
Related – Netflix Drops A Teaser For German Procedural-Horror Film Dark
What’s also interesting — possibly another emerging trend at Netflix — is the source of this new series: Scandinavia! You might recall another recent and moody Netlix series: Dark, which tells the story of a missing child from a small German town (see “Related” link above). Netflix is apparently scouring the globe for diverse and offbeat original stories for both series and films — and that’s good for its multi-cultural and worldwide subscriber-base.
The Rain looks appropriately grim and gloomy, with plenty of distressed urban and rural locations, lots of survivaling, and probably quite a bit of bad weather too. The cast is international, you won’t recognize anyone, but that’s OK — shows like this are constantly adding and removing characters, so a lack of known stars will help maintain a sense of constant tension.
As an aside, it’s exciting that Netflix is investing in overseas content. There are many, many shows and films airing outside the U.S. that never reach our market — shows every bit as polished and professional as our own indigeneous series. Netflix’s audience is broad and diverse enough that they probably won’t lose their minds at the sight of subtitles either. The Raid looks scary and dangerous, and is hopefully yet another compelling new original series from Netflix.
Will you watch a show like The Rain if it contains subtitles? Let us know in the comments down below!
The Rain hits Netflix sometimes in 2018.
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SOURCE: Netflix