Netflix’s The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Title Confirmed In Set Photo

They’re doing pretty interesting work with these Archie characters. On the CW’s Riverdale, they turned a wholesome bunch into a dark, murder mystery full of sex, violence, and intrigue, and the next character on the docket to get the darker treatment is none other than everyone’s favorite Sabrina the teenage witch.

For some time, we’ve speculated that this series would have a similar eerie undertone — especially since its life began as a sister series to Riverdale on the CW. With that in mind, it would have made perfect sense for it to be titled The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, which is the name of the darker comic on which the series is actually based.

In a new set photo, showrunner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa revealed whether or not this would be the final title.


So yes. It seems they are taking the most natural route with this series, making sure that it reflects the actual content of the show. After all, it’d be terrible if they’d gone with Sabrina the Teenage Witch, as audiences may come in expecting another terrible sitcom.

What do you think of the title and will you be watching this dark drama on Netflix? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa

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