Some new Indiana Jones 5 footage has emerged from the ongoing Glasgow shoot for the movie. Glasgow is playing a stand in New York City for the movie set in 1969. We know the movie is set in 1969 as a parade was being filmed for the Apollo 11 welcome home parade. However, as the video taken of the shoot shows below, there also seems to be some (I assume) anti-Vietnam protests going on as well.
This latest crowd appear to be protesting rather than cheering on the Apollo 11 heroes. We see what appears to be Indiana Jones being led through the crowd forcibly by a huge goon. Again, I make assumption that this is a henchman for the bad guys in the movie. It could end up resulting in some sort of chase scene being filmed through the parade, but it’s hard to say for certain. Check it out.
As for the assertion that this is Harrison Ford seen here, I’m less sure. We have seen one of Ford’s stunt double around the shoot a lot, wearing that exact costume. Also the way the tall man grabs onto Indy’s shoulder forcibly makes me think that’s not Ford. In fact this entire set up could just be designed to film that one scene from a distance without requiring Ford. After all, it was that exact shoulder that Ford injured recently. At that distance I just can’t tell for sure, and that means probably neither can anyone else, after all, you won’t notice it in the movie if it’s a stunt double either.
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As for what this does to any plot predictions? Absolutely nothing I’m afraid. All we can tell now is that Indy is at the Apollo 11 parade. Then, at some point Indy is grabbed and led off by an extremely tall actor. Anything else would be speculation at this point, so feel free to go wild in the usual place below.
What do you think of the new Indiana Jones 5 footage shown here? Sound off below.