While Stranger Things may have a lot of great things going for it, the relationship between Eleven and Mike was unquestionably the beating heart of the show. In the closing minutes of Season 1, Eleven burst into a cloud of dust as she sacrificed herself to kill the demagorgon.
Of course, we knew that Eleven wasn’t really gone. With more seasons left to go in the show, it wouldn’t work in their favor to kill her off — at least not this early. In all the marketing we’ve seen, we’ve seen Eleven off on her own, but never with the boys.
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In a new clip from Netflix, we see just the faintest hint of Eleven reuniting with Mike. In the scene, it looks like the police are aware of Eleven being back, and are urging Mike to tell them if he sees her. As they speak to him, he looks through the curtains in the window, at who could very well be Eleven (who am I kidding? It’s her).
The clip itself does a great job recapturing the tone of the first season, and it doesn’t seem afraid from tapping in to the darker aspects of the show, which is nice to see, given how 80s reference-intensive the marketing has been.
Stranger Things 2 hits Netflix this Friday!
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SOURCE: Netflix