No Current Plans For More Prison Break Or 24 At Fox

While the early-to-mid 2000s may not have be the current golden age of TV in terms of quality, we’d be lying if we said there weren’t plenty of greats to come out of it. LOST came out of the era, and along with it came FOX series Prison Break and 24, both of which heavily relied on the then-uncommon serialized format.

In the years since then, we’ve seen both shows make returns in different incarnations. We had 24: Die Another Day, 24: Legacy, and then the Prison Break revival rather recently, pretty much proving that FOX was willing to take multiple swings at this.

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But, as it turns out, that may be it…for the time being.

“There’s no plan right now to revive Prison Break or any of the other franchises,” Fox Entertainment CEO Charlie Collier said during an executive session at the Television Critics Association, “but when the creators come with a story that they think is the right time to tell, we are so ready to listen because those are some franchises of which I’m so proud and feel so fortunate that they’re in our stable.”

This is a turnaround from what we’ve heard in months past. As recently as February, we’ve heard there would be 24 spin-offs, one of which was going to be more of a courtroom drama. But, of course, things have changed since then. Disney has taken over and has tightened the belt substantially.

Is this ultimately a good thing for the properties? Perhaps. Who knows whether or not the reboots would end up being as disappointing as the recent ones. But what do you think? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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