No More Xbox Exclusives? HUGE Rumors About Microsoft Gaming Shakeup | D-COG

No More Xbox Exclusives? HUGE Rumors About Microsoft Gaming Shakeup | D-COG

Today, Kyle discusses recent rumors and news about Xbox exclusives heading to PS5 and Switch. Welcome to The Daily Cup of Genre!

00:00- Intro
02:45- Kyle’s Gaming History
07:01- The Xbox Exclusives To PS5 Rumors
12:06- Why The Tribalism?
14:51- The Future For Xbox/Microsoft Gaming
20:08- The Physical Media Thing (AGAIN!)
22:23- Weekend Box Office
24:38- Close

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The Verge


Games Radar

The Daily Cup of Genre (DailyCOG) is the daily (almost) podcast of LRM’s GenreVerse Podcast Network. What is The GenreVerse? It is everything you have ever loved, all in one place. From Star Wars to Star Trek, Anime to Disney princess movies, and PlayStation to the NES… The GenreVerse is as limitless as the multiverse of DC and Marvel. This show takes all of that, adds chaos, and delivers you entertainment. Join Kyle (@ThatKyleMalone) every Monday – Friday for your Daily Cup of Genre!

RELATED: Microsoft Leaving Gaming? Not So Crazy After All! | D-COG

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Catch the last episode here:



Question(s) of the day: Do you think the recent casting issues with the Thunderbolts movie are related? Are actors wary of Marvel now? Let us know in the comments Below!

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