Despite a busy schedule at Comic Con I hooked up with Evil Monkey Man creator Nichoas Blake Seals for a one on one interview to discuss his comic. During the interview I found out about how managing a music band inspired his latest comic book Evil Monkey Man.
LRM: Can you introduce yourself to the readers of LRM Online?
Blake: Blake Seals.
LRM: Can you tell me about Evil Monkey Man for anyone who isn’t familiar with the character?
Blake: Absolutely. It’s a brand-new classic time traveling reality bending escape across America to become human.
LRM: Nice. What inspired Evil Monkey Man?
Blake: Oddly enough true story, it’s a song from a band that I produced in the 1990s. They didn’t really go anywhere but now their character all these many years later has made a comic book appearance. But it’s actually a song, Evil Monkey Man.
LRM: Is the song on iTunes?
Blake: We will release it. It was on iTunes, but I actually took it back down in anticipation of putting it back out with the comic book at some point. If you go to you can hear it playing in the background.
LRM: Is Evil Monkey Man being adapted into any other media formats in the future?
Blake: That would be the hopeful future. Right now, the plan is to release a total of twelve issues of this first saga of Evil Monkey Man and it’s basically the origin of the character, Michael Vincent Ross and his escapades as the Monkey Man. There are further story arcs to be developed. We do have a connection with a toy broker who is shopping it for animation. But we’re in the early stages. We only just released the first book last month in Books-A-Million. So, we definitely have plans but everything hasn’t materialized in the fullest.
LRM: So, there are some figures on the way?
Blake: The plan is to have a line of figures and collectibles. Movies, games, that’s what we’re going for, for sure.
LRM: If you could cross Evil Monkey Man over into any other comic-verse which would it be?
Blake: Wow that’s the most impossible question anybody’s ever asked me. Evil Monkey Man will have to end up with Jonah Hex.
LRM: Awesome. What do you want to tell the readers of LRMOnline?
Blake: Come visit and get a good taste for it. We do have a motion comic on there and there’s no charge. We’re comic book readers before writers so you know we’re real fans of this. We love storytelling. We love character. So, we hope you will too.
Be sure to visit and grab a copy of Evil Monkey Man.
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