Last year saw the release of the female-centric Ghostbusters reboot. While the movie itself was a fun little movie, fans had some real feelings about it long before it even came out. Rather than it just be a movie, it really became a rallying cry for feminists, and some fans fought back against that idea with relish.
So while Ghostbusters ultimately was received by critics as a “pretty good” movie that doesn’t live up to the original, the film ultimately disappointed at the box office, taking in only $229 million worldwide off its $144 million budget.
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Director Paul Feig took a lot of heat during the production and promotion of the film, and now that we’ve had about a year and a half of distance from the film, he decided to speak up about the film, his regrets, and his overall thoughts. Here’s what he had to say to Vulture:
“I think [the cause aspect] kind of hampered us a little bit because the movie became so much of a cause. I think for some of our audience, they were like, ‘What the f**k? We don’t wanna go to a cause. We just wanna watch a f**kin’ movie,’
“It was a great regret in my life that the movie didn’t do better, ’cause I really loved it. It’s not a perfect movie. None of my movies are perfect. I liked what we were doing with it. It was only supposed to be there to entertain people.”
On a personal level, I very much enjoyed the movie — likely more than your average viewer, even if I wished it pushed harder for the comedy (I would have preferred an R-rated version). At the end of the day, I felt like no matter how the movie turned out, fans would not have been happy, and they made that clear all too often prior to its release.
What did you think of the Ghostbusters film? Now that there’s some distance, do you think it deserved the hate it got from fans? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Vulture