Eric Anderson is a legend in folk singing. In the late 1960s to early 1970s, he helped influence the American folk music community and still touring today.
In The Songpoet, Filmmakers Paul Lamont and Scott Sackett sought out the Greenwich Village folk musician Eric Anderson to document the life of the Greenwich Village folk musician that catapulted him into international fame back in 1967. The film explores his life through fifty years with the conflicts of career, family, ego, relationships and the unrelenting pursuit of one’s purpose as it explores what it takes to keep moving forward.
LRM Online spoke with the filmmakers Paul Lamont and Scott Sackett on the long journey in time and distance to bring The Songpoet on to the screen. They talked about tracking down Eric Anderson in Europe and organizing years of research archives of this famous folk musician.
The film will make its premiere debut at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival today at 8 p.m.
Please listen to the audio interview below. The article will be updated in print format at a later date.
Source: LRM Online Exclusive