Deadline reports that a Penguin spin-off series from The Batman is being developed for HBO Max. To date that would make this Penguin centered show the second spin-off project from the yet to be released The Batman Universe. However, as you’ll hear below, the rumor is, far more are planned. Here is what Deadline reported.
Deadline understands that the project is in the early stages of development and is being exec produced by The Batman duo Dylan Clark and Matt Reeves. It comes from Reeves’ 6th and Idaho, Dylan Clark Productions, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television.
Lauren LeFranc (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) is set to showrun the project. It’s described as a “Scarface-like” series about the rise of the Penguin character.
The outlet also went on to confirm the question everyone was likely asking up till that point in the article.
Farrell is expected to star in the series.
Of course Colin Farrell is amazingly the actor pictured above in the header image. He wears a fat suit and prosthetics for The Batman but that is Farrell. It sounds like DC are ready to go all out and develop a living breathing Gotham universe focused on Batman. Frankly, someone should have done this years ago, so I’m all in. I might not be the biggest fan of DC characters overall, but Batman still remains my number one favorite comic book character. I love his world and can’t wait to see it fully explored in multiple mediums.
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As said up top, in addition, since this movie broke some rumors have swirled that this Penguin show is just the tip of the Iceberg Lounge.
Catwoman spin-off is still happening, and those three aren't the only spin-offs we're getting.
— Emre Kaya (@Vullein) September 13, 2021
A Batman focused Universe beckons folks and it’s great news. I just hope The Batman is as good as I think it will be. Are you excited for a Penguin spin-off series from The Batman on HBO Max? Sound off below.