The highly acclaimed series “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” has officially been granted a second season on Disney+. The announcement was made jointly by Disney Branded Television and 20th Television, promising a return to the mythical world with its stellar cast, including Walker Scobell, Leah Sava Jeffries, and Aryan Simhadri.
Since its debut, the series has accumulated over 110 million hours of streaming on both Disney+ and Hulu combined. The overwhelming success and positive reception have prompted the production team to continue the epic journey of Percy Jackson and his encounters with gods and monsters.
The sophomore season is anticipated to delve even deeper into the rich tapestry of Greek mythology, bringing to life the fantastical realms and characters that have become fan favorites. With the trio of talented stars reprising their roles, fans can expect an enchanting continuation of Percy’s adventures.
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Walker Scobell, portraying the titular character Percy Jackson, expressed his excitement about the upcoming season, stating, “It’s truly a gift from the gods to be able to continue this incredible journey. I can’t wait for fans to see what’s in store for Percy and his friends.”
Leah Sava Jeffries, who plays a pivotal role in the series, added, “The response from viewers has been overwhelming, and I’m thrilled to be part of a project that resonates with so many people. Season two is going to be epic!”
Aryan Simhadri, rounding out the trio of stars, shared his enthusiasm, saying, “Being part of the Percy Jackson universe is a dream come true. I’m grateful for the opportunity to explore this magical world further in the upcoming season.”
As fans eagerly await the return to the world of demigods and ancient deities, the production team is already hard at work crafting a second season that promises to be as awe-inspiring and enchanting as the first. Stay tuned for more updates on Percy Jackson’s next mythical escapade, exclusively on Disney+.