Pharazon actor revealed for LOTR Show? That’s the Barside Buzz from the usual only leaker of any Lord of the Rings show details FoF. The leaker says that Pharazon will be played by actor Trystan Gravelle in the show. Check out the social media post below.
EXCLUSIVE: Trystan Gravelle with play Pharazôn (not yet Ar- Pharazôn) in the upcoming Amazon ‘The Lord of the Rings’ TV Series #LOTRonPrime
Trystan Gravelle is said to be “the best actor on the numenor sets”.
— Fellowship of Fans (@FellowshipFans) December 12, 2021
As you can see this post is marked 1/8. The rest of the posts go into some scene details involving Pharazon. Even describing some of his interactions and for me it’s a little bit too spoiler filled. I wanted to cover the actor reveal without getting into spoiler territory and having to tag it. Therefore if you want to know a little more, just click on the social media link above. If you are happy just with the actor reveal for now, then stick with me.
RELATED: LOTR Show Cirdan Rumors | Barside Buzz
I could describe who Pharazon is, what role he will play in the events of this show and where he ends up. Pharazon is not a made up character from the show, and as such Amazon needs to stick to his overall story as canon. Pharazon, a Numenorean, is prominently mentioned in the story from Tolkien’s notes. It’s therefore easy for a Tolkienist like me to see where this character and the story is going beyond what even FOF describes above. But when fans who have not read The Silmarillion get a hold of this series, they are not going to want all the answers. So I aint talking, you hear?
I’ll just say I think Pharazon will be a great character to see in live-action. I look forward to seeing what Gravelle is capable of.
Is the Pharazon actor revealed for LOTR Show? It looks that way, but as always, treat the Barside Buzz with some salt until you hear something official. With LOTR on Prime coming next year, and hopefully getting a new title, I expect the cast will be revealed to press officially before too long. Sound off below.