[UPDATED] Saban Actually Did Renew Power Rangers Film Logo

UPDATED: LRM incorrectly reported that Saban did not renew the trademark for the logo for the recent film. Saban’s representatives recently got in touch with us, saying:

Power Rangers continues to own and renew hundreds of trademark registrations worldwide, including for the 2017 movie logo.  The trademark registration process is very nuanced; and the status of the single application has no bearing on our ownership of or the future plans for Power Rangers, as the story inaccurately reported. The franchise remains as strong and enthusiastic about its future as ever.”

We apologize for spreading the misinformation.


Time to trade in your Power Coins, folks. If this latest report is any indication, there won’t be another Power Rangers movie any time soon. According to Trademarkia (via CinemaBlend), Haim Saban has lost the trademark to the new Power Rangers logo that was used in the recent film.

So why does this matter? Well, if they planned on recycling the logo for the upcoming sequel, then chances are they’d have to renew the trademark on it. The fact that they let it lapse means that there are no immediate plans to visit the world they created earlier this year.

Of course, this doesn’t exactly come as a big surprise. off is $100 million budget, the film made a paltry $142 million in worldwide ticket sales. That’s right. Worldwide ticket sales. In a world where they’d likely need at least $250-$300 just to break even (taking into account the budget, marketing, and theater cut), that simply isn’t going to cut it.

This is especially disappointing because the producers of the film made it clear that they had a multi-film arc planned for the story. If we’re to trust this lapse in trademark renewal, then it sounds like this story will never actually see the light of day. This is a shame, since I personally found a lot to like in the Power Rangers movie, even if it wasn’t perfect.

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SOURCE: Trademarkia (via CinemaBlend)

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