In a few short months, audiences will get to feast their eyes on the Ralph Breaks the Internet, the anticipated sequel to the 2012 film, Wreck-It Ralph. That first film brought the video game world to life like it had never been before, realizing many beloved figures for the silver screen.
One such beloved figure was everyone’s favorite blue blur, Sonic the Hedgehog. In the years since the film’s release, Sonic has been pretty busy, with Sonic Forces hitting virtually every platform under the sun last year alongside the critically-acclaimed Sonic Mania, which brought the character back to his 2D heyday.
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In the first Wreck-It Ralph, Sonic was virtually an exposition device who explained the rules of the world. But given the more Disney-centric theme for the sequel, would Sonic be returning? According to the film’s co-director Rich Moore via Twitter, he will indeed be coming back.
Of course, this isn’t the only way the character is making a splash in the near future. Around the same time, he will be showing up in the Nintendo Switch game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Additionally, there’s a CG/live-action hybrid film in the works, so some could say that his brighter days may soon be ahead of us.
What do you think of Sonic returning in Ralph Breaks the Internet? Let us know down below!
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SOURCE: Rich Moore