Well, after much speculation upon just this it seems Rangers of the New Republic cancelled by Lucasfilm after all. In the latest Empire Magazine there is a question asked of Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy regarding Rangers of the New Republic. Here is Kennedy’s response.
“We’d never written any scripts or anything on that. Some of that will figure into future episodes, I’m sure, of Mandalorian.”
Given the previous status of not currently in development as reported by Variety it seems this series is dead. To be honest, did any of really expect any different? Far as we know there was an attempt to retool this show after the loss of Gina Carrano, who was supposed to star. LRM has a strange relationship with this show as it was ourselves who first broke the news of this. At the time we did not have a name, but we had solid information that a Cara Dune led show was coming. You can find that initial story Here.
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Of course this was confirmed when Rangers of the New Republic was announced at last year’s Disney Investor Day. After that though Gina Carrano was essentially sacked by Disney for posts she put on Twitter. Not quite sacked, just sort of finished and not now being offered further work. At the time our sources told us that the show may be retooled to have Hera Syndulla take the lead role. You can find that story Here, however clearly that idea just didn’t shake out for whatever reason. Now whatever ideas that the team had for Rangers will now seemingly be brought over into The Mandalorian or other sister shows such as The Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka.
We already know Cara Dune won’t be recast. Therefore, I guess we will just never see her again, or they’ll mention she died off screen? Some fans don’t seem to be too bothered by the loss of Rangers of the New Republic. Whilst I don’t share that sentiment I do concede that I’m not sure Carrano could have led and actual show.
What do you think of the news that Rangers of the New Republic cancelled after all? As always, leave any thoughts you have below.