When we last left our crew at Camp Redwood, psychologist Donnie Chambers revealed herself to be posing as Nurse Rita in order to document the drive that fuels Mr. Jingles–having helped break him out of the institution in order to do so. Montana and “The Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez are working together in order to kill Brooke (Emma Roberts). Margaret revealed that she was the murderer who killed the counselors back in 1970, not Jingles. Xavier was nearly broiled to death. Ray lost his head (literally), Chet got speared, and Ramirez was killed in a one-on-one with Jingles–only to receive a satanic resurrection.
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“Red Dawn” opens up with a flashback to 1980, where Donnie discovers what she believes is her father having an affair. Much to her shock, she finds a disemboweled woman tied to a bed and her father holding the knife. After trying to talk him down, her father eventually stabs himself in the neck, killing himself in front of her. This would be the moment that fuels Donnie’s quest to understand what creates a serial killer.
Back at Camp Redwood, Xavier attempts to kill Donnie after she admitted to he and Montana her plan, and chases after her throughout the camp. Meanwhile, Brooke sees Ray wandering around the camp, looking confused. Unable to account for where he’s been, Brooke and Ray end up hiding out in a cabin… and take part in some “extracurricular” activities. Their quick romantic connection ends horrifically when Brooke finds Ray’s head in a refrigerator–while standing next to Ray.
Donnie is confronted by the resurrected Ramirez, who explains that the devil gave him life and that Donnie should worship with him. Ramirez goes as far as to use the spirit of Donnie’s dad to entice her. Jingles gets his hands on Margaret, but his thwarted when Xavier launches three arrows into him, killing him. Within seconds, Xavier realizes the error of his ways when Margaret guts him with a late blade. Margaret, later on, finishes Chet off by placing him in a boat, tying the anchor to his leg, and plunging it into there lake, taking Chet with it. Then, moments later, the eyes of Mr. Jingles open with Ramirez peering down on him, offering his services if Jingles pledges to Satan.
Montana sees an opportunity to murder Brooke, only for it to backfire on her. Brooke gets the upper hand and eventually plunges a knife multiple times into Montana’s now lifeless body–just as a school bus filled with young campers arrives. Police are called, Brooke is arrested, and a wondering Ray is taken into an ambulance when a paramedic is unable to read his blood pressure, and a comforting feeling envelops as he elides he’s about to be rid of Camp Redwood. However, that isn’t the case as the ambulance passes the camp’s front gate and Ray finds himself out of the ambulance and laying on the dirt, bound to the Camp Redwood territory.
Alas, the twist to the season is revealed. Like in a few of the previous seasons, AHS 1984 also features the spirits of those who suffered a violent death bound to the location where their deaths took place. Montana, Ray, and Xavier find themselves stuck in a purgatory–and Montana makes the most of it by killing a police officer who’s car had just been stolen from him. Who stole the car you ask? Why, none other than Ramirez, with Mr. Jingles sitting in the passenger seat as the two enjoy a serial killer joy ride.
With most of this season using every possible element from the slasher genre to set up its story, we now see the AHS twist that will present a new direction for the season. Perfect timing given the way things ended in this episode. What will happen to Brooke? How do the trapped souls come into play now that everyone has left? Where are Ramirez and Mr. Jingles off to? With four episodes left to go in the season, viewers are sure to be treated to a bloody good time.
American Horror Story 1984 airs Wednesday nights on FX, and is available for streaming on the FX Now app.
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