Let’s admit it, despite all the hullabaloo surrounding Rogue One: A Star Wars Story being the first of potentially many “anthology” films, it’s pretty much a sequel to the prequels and a prequel to the original trilogy — except with an all-new cast of characters. Though despite of my personal cynicism regarding the whole thing, even I have to admit that Lucasfilm is taking something of a risk in diverting their attention from the whole Skywalker narrative, which has been the focus of the main saga from the get-go. Will mainstream audiences be able to understand what the movie is and how it stands compared to the rest of the series?
Lucasfilm sure hopes so. But the whole idea of going off the beaten path is a fact that hasn’t escaped Rogue One director Gareth Edwards.
Speaking with Empire, Edwards went on to discuss how the title of the film, Rogue One, actually has multiple meanings in his mind.
“I’d been thinking about it. What does it mean? ‘Rogue One’ is a military call sign to some extent, but this is the first film that’s gone off-piste and is not part of the saga – or the Anakin story – so it’s the ‘rogue’ one, you know?”
That wasn’t all Edwards had to say regarding the title. As we’ve already seen in the trailers for the film, Felicity Jones’ character, Jyn Erso, has quite the violent record (some might even she she “rebels”). Edwards contemplates that Jyn’s rebellious nature is also reflected in the title.
“It’s kind of describing her as well in a similar way. It has [all] these split, multiple meanings that made it feel like the right choice.”
Let’s just hope that the title also means big bucks for Lucasfilm and Disney when it hits theaters this winter. Star Wars: The Force Awakens managed to exceed all expectations when it was released last year, so Rogue One will have a lot to live up to.
What do you think of Edwards’ comments? Let us know in the comments down below!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on December 16, 2016.
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SOURCE: Empire